Plot or Flat - Which One Is Better For You?
Calender 03 Feb,2020 | Avirahi Group

Plot or Flat — Which One Is Better For You?

Usually, investors and people who are purchasing a second home are always in this confusion. They do not know which one is apt for them and end up in a dilemma. There are pros and cons to each option indicated here. There are so many residential projects Dholera than one can imagine.  But, one hasaaa...[READ MORE ]

4 Reasons Why There Should Have Open Spaces Near and Around Your Home
Calender 24 Jan,2020 | Avirahi Group

4 Reasons Why There Should Have Open Spaces Near and Around Your Home

When you are purchasing a home, you must pick one that is not in a closed space environment. Many people do not think about this concept. They believe that it is okay as long as they get a home in a good location. A house is something that you will not shift once you purchaseaaa...[READ MORE ]

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Calender 06 Dec,2019 | Avirahi Group

One Reason Why You Should Invest in a Residential Plot in Dholera Sir

So many Builders are into developing residential projects in Dholera Sir, in Gujarat. Now, it is the right time to invest in it as there are many benefits that you are going to enjoy when you do this thing. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of the things that are happening in this beautiful stateaaa...[READ MORE ]

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